Buy once, buy for the long term don’t waste money with cheap alternatives that won’t last the test of time. Properly cared for, your mats will retain re-sale value.
Our EVA Parlour Pit Mats are reversible and tessellate, if one tile gets damaged you can flip it or switch it out.
EVA PU densities. Its important to get that PU and EVA balance.

Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate (EVA) shock absorbing properties are often employed for use in farming and sports equipment padding such as boxing and mixed martial arts. But it’s not enough just to absorb the impact, no one wants dents in their mats after a short time. The mats need to be durable, wipe-able and have that all important ‘memory’ so that they return to their original state, that’s where the Polyurethane (PU) comes in. Get too much PU though and you may as well be buying carpet underlay… get the picture? Beware there are jigsaw type mats out there that are essentially that! Our mats have the following characteristics;

Compression Strength 25% : 0.40 kg/cm³
Compression Set 25% : Under 3.5%
Water Absorption : under 0.003 g/cm³
Liner Shrinkage 70°C : ±5.0%
Thermal Conductivity : Under 0.04 (kal/ °C)
Edge : Each mat comes with with four interlocking edges and border strips included.
Our mats are anti-bacterial and are made from closed cell EVA which means they do not absorb water.
EVA has many applications and characteristics.